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Tomorrowland 2nd Collection Mint on Magic Eden

by dkjin102 2022. 7. 24.

#Tomorrowland #2ndCollection #Mint #NFT #MagicEden


2022 Tomorrowland 21DAY LIVE 

Biggest music festival in the world. 




This festival has been held every year since 2005 and the largest in Europe and also in the world. 




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Really a lot of people are enjoing festival and have great energy. 

Mainpage shows and connects tomorrowland NFT hompage. 

Collecting all 3 collections in 2022, it can become part of the excusive community. 

The 1st collection : A letter from the Universe

The 2nd collection : Digital Collectible (Magic Eden's Launchpad) - July 15th

Threr are 3 collections. 

The 1st collection is found in FTX and floor price is 5.25sol now. 

NFTs 2932

FP 5.25

Volume US$335,135

The 2nd collection. 


Minting of the 2nd collection is from Magic Eden and now on 



Tomorrowland: The Reflection of Love

This collection grants exclusive giveaways, accesses secret shows, and helps complete your Medallion of Memoria, the ultimate Tomorrowland experience.



Utility of the NFT 

The 3rd will be on FTX and MagicEden. 

Official links can be found on Discoss channel. 

IOI  Notice : DYOR (Do Your Own Research), NFA (Not Financial Advice)   IOI

